What drew you to the MAPM program at St. John's?
After becoming a Catholic School Teacher for the past 6 years, I had a longing to continue my education, formation and spiritual growth as a layperson.
What aspect of the program did you find most fulfilling?
I have the opportunity to grow in my own personal formation, academic life, and spiritual life as a lay minister. It is an opportunity to look deeper into the teachings of the church and revisit what I have learned previously as a student of Theology.
What is your current path within the Church and how did the MAPM help prepare you for it?
My current path within the Church is that I am a middle school theology teacher and campus minister. The MAPM program continues to help me prepare for my ministry as a teacher by encouraging me to revisit and synthesize everything I have learned.
What would be your advice to prospective students considering the MAPM program?
The advice that I would give to prospective students considering the MAPM program is that…there is nothing to lose...and there is much to gain in joining the MAPM program!
What drew you to the MAPM program at St. John's?
The spark of excitement filled my heart when I learned about the MAPM as the Holy Spirit was urging me to grow more in faith and service.
What aspect of the program did you find most fulfilling?
Practically speaking, the online MAPM program fits into my current work life with evening classes. The online option allows me to continue to work full time with no commute and take classes at my own pace each semester based on my personal commitments.
What is your current path within the Church and how did the MAPM help prepare you for it?
My hope is to transition more time into pastoral ministry as I retire. I believe that the MAPM preparation I am getting at St. John’s will blend nicely with my career as an LCSW in mental health.
What would be your advice to prospective students considering the MAPM program?
The MAPM is a blessed journey of learning which prepares us to serve God and each other, knowing and feeling more confident in aspects of pastoral care that our Catholic Church needs at this time in her history. Just try it out! Come and see!
What drew you to the MAPM program at St. John's?
Before ordination to the diaconate, I desired to continue my education by earning a second M.A. degree. I had researched and prayed for the right educational institution and program. The search was elusive for over a year until last year when I received the latest edition of The Evangelist, and there it was, the master’s degree program in Pastoral Ministry at St. John's Seminary. I prayed and shared with my family and spiritual director. My discernment ultimately took me down the path of making contact and applying.
What aspect of the program did you find most fulfilling?
Perhaps the most fulfilling is earning a graduate degree from premier ecclesial professors and theologians with real-time application in ministry. I have the privilege of learning from the same faculty and accessing the same resources forming our seminarians at St John’s Seminary.
What is your current path within the Church and how did the MAPM help prepare you for it?
What a spiritual privilege to be the first permanent deacon of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to partake in this inaugural online program. The work of the Holy Spirit guides me as a scholarly student and reveals God’s master plan so that I can best utilize my spiritual learnings in service to the people of God.
What would be your advice to prospective students considering the MAPM program?
I would advise you with an open heart to “answer the call.” The Holy Spirit is inviting you to come and see how you can serve the people of God through Jesus Christ. The Church needs more servants in the vineyard; we need you!
What drew you to the MAPM program at St. John's?
I felt a desire in my heart that I still need to explore the depths of the ocean of the Bible. I truly believe that the master plan of the Holy Spirit is remarkable.
What aspect of the program did you find most fulfilling?
The graduate program is taught by theologians who have also taught around the globe. The theologians possess extensive knowledge of various real-time case studies that are suitable for ministerial application.
What is your current path within the Church and how did the MAPM help prepare you for it?
The MAPM program is providing me with spiritual guidance, and I can share the good news in service to God’s people.
What would be your advice to prospective students considering the MAPM program?
This program is truly a blessing and offers a side-by-side encounter with the Lord!
What drew you to the MAPM program at St. John's?
I was drawn by the desire to be a witness of my relationship with God to those entrusted to me and be able to do so more effectively.
What aspect of the program did you find most fulfilling?
The program has the rigor of the academic content that encourages us to reflect on our faith and how we practice it. It also offers the flexibility of completing the academic expectations while providing us grace to maintain a balanced life.
What is your current path within the Church and how did the MAPM help prepare you for it?
I am currently a Middle School Religion Teacher, Campus Liturgy Coordinator, and a soon to be husband. The MAPM program has allowed me to create an intellectual and spiritual space to reflect on my own ministry.
What would be your advice to prospective students considering the MAPM program?
Considering the MAPM program is a sign that you feel or have felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to grow more as a minister of the Church in some capacity, and the Holy Spirit is the one who has placed that desire in your heart. It is also a sign of falling in love with the Church and serving it.
St. John’s Seminary offers an online Catholic Master of Arts in Ministry for directors of religious education, youth ministers, campus ministers, catechists, K-12 theology teachers, and anyone else interested in receiving formation for ministry, such as permanent deacons.
This program helps students improve their knowledge of the Catholic intellectual tradition and improve their ministerial skills for the life of the Church in California.
Learn how you can enhance your faith and further your divinity education with our Master of Arts in Ministry.
If you’re looking to start your journey toward a rewarding career in the pastoral ministry field, know that there are numerous options available depending on your passions and preferences.
Apply to our distinguished program today or contact our team to learn more about pastoral ministry career options at [email protected]