A campus ministry program creates a space where students can explore their faith with the support of other students and faculty, allowing them to grow personally and spiritually during their time on campus.
Earning a M.A. in Pastoral Ministry online allows you to get more involved as a campus minister to help students strengthen their relationship with God. Learn more about how to grow a campus ministry program into an environment where students are proud to share their passion for the Lord.
A campus ministry role is one way to make a meaningful impact on young lives while taking part in a dynamic and engaging work environment.
It also offers flexibility, creativity, and personal fulfillment opportunities. If you are looking for advice on how to grow an effective campus ministry program, the team at St. John’s Seminary is here to help.
As you progress, remember that everything you do in growing your campus ministry should be guided by God.
Your background in pastoral ministry will be especially valuable, and will allow you to become the best mentor to serve your students.
Your priority should be concerned with creating a welcoming environment where students can grow their faith, and God will do the rest.
St. John’s Seminary offers an online M.A. in Pastoral Ministry Degree for directors of religious education, youth ministers, campus ministers, catechists, K-12 theology teachers, and anyone else interested in receiving formation for ministry, such as permanent deacons.
This program helps students improve their knowledge of the Catholic intellectual tradition and improve their ministerial skills for the life of the Church in California.