The dogmatic theology course at St. John’s Seminary allows students to explore the fundamental doctrine of the Catholic Church systematically.
During this course, we cover the Trinity, Christology, ecclesiology, anthropology, and eschatology.
Special attention will be paid to the controversial topics today.Dogmatic theology is the study of the central teachings of the Church.
These teachings have been declared throughout the centuries in Scripture and Tradition through councils and magisterial documents.
For example, the Council of Nicaea in 325 declared that the Father and the Son are consubstantial--that is, of the same essence.
We offer this class as a part of our M.A. in Pastoral Ministry program.
This degree is the optimal step for individuals passionate about answering their calling to serving as a theology teacher, Director of Religious Education, campus minister, or catechist.
Our students are formed to minister to a variety of populations, including the youth, young adults, couples, parents, and others!
If you’re ready to take the next steps toward pursuing your M.A. in Pastoral Ministry and enroll in our practicum course, please apply for our pastoral ministry degree today.
If you have any questions regarding our spiritual theology class or program objectives, feel free to email us at [email protected]
St. John’s Seminary offers an online Catholic Master of Arts in Ministry for directors of religious education, youth ministers, campus ministers, catechists, K-12 theology teachers, and anyone else interested in receiving formation for ministry, such as permanent deacons.
This program helps students improve their knowledge of the Catholic intellectual tradition and improve their ministerial skills for the life of the Church in California.
Learn how you can enhance your faith and further your divinity education with our Master of Arts in Ministry.